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Ariana Rugs

8'x10' Ariana Samarkand Geometric Design Rug

8'x10' Ariana Samarkand Geometric Design Rug


Dimension: 10.5x7.8

Material:  Wool on Cotton

Dive into the unparalleled eclecticism of our One of a Kind collection. Each rug is meticulously hand-picked, making it an exclusive addition to our Hand Knotted masterpieces—truly one-of-a-kind and found nowhere else globally! Embrace the unique design and fingerprint that sets each rug apart, particularly in the Khotan Design of the Ariana Samarkand Collection. Featuring an allover design field, these rugs are woven with expertise by Hazara Women Weavers, adding an extra layer of craftsmanship and cultural significance.


Our shipping policy offers a delivery time frame of 5-10 business days. We strive to ensure your order reaches you within this period. Please note that delivery times may vary based on your location and any unforeseen circumstances. For any specific shipping inquiries, please view our Shipping Policy.

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