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Ariana Rugs

13'x14' Square Polonaise Design Silk and Wool Fine Hand Knotted Ariana Luxury Rug

13'x14' Square Polonaise Design Silk and Wool Fine Hand Knotted Ariana Luxury Rug


Dimension: 12.11 x 14.3

The Ariana Luxury Collection, featuring the exquisite Polonaise design, stands as a testament to unparalleled craftsmanship and sophistication. Meticulously hand-knotted by skilled Hazara women, this collection showcases the impeccable combination of high-quality wool and silk, ensuring a luxurious and enduring addition to your home. The intricate detailing and craftsmanship not only speak to the dedication of the artisans but also elevate the collection to a symbol of refined taste and opulence. With a rich palette of vibrant and tasteful colors, the Ariana Luxury Collection effortlessly brings a touch of elegance and grandeur to any living space, creating an ambiance of timeless luxury.


Our shipping policy offers a delivery time frame of 5-10 business days. We strive to ensure your order reaches you within this period. Please note that delivery times may vary based on your location and any unforeseen circumstances. For any specific shipping inquiries, please view our Shipping Policy.

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